Benefits of Getting Consumers to Use Your Custom Wristband

The advertising industry has evolved over the years with so many new methods being developed. One such method is using an online custom wristband.

With a promotional gift wristband, you can reach your customers with ease and without breaking the bank. In this post, we will share a few benefits of using a custom brand wristband to promote your business.

Why you should invest in wristbands for your brand promotion

Like we mentioned earlier, there are several tools on the market that you can use for brand promotional items. However, not all these tools are cost-effective, especially for small businesses. Let’s consider television adverts for example.

The cost to place an advert on national television on average is about $342,000 for a 30-second duration. Imagine spending this amount on the advert 10 times, you’ll be running down your business.

When you make use of an online custom wristband, you will be spending far less than this. In fact, when compared, the cost of a promotional gift wristband is like a drop in the ocean compared to TV ads.custom wristband

Let’s not forget the fact that a custom brand wristband will reach your customers better than many other tools. It will also attract more attention since your customers will wear them anywhere they go. Your employees will also wear the bands around which will help with brand recognition.

Benefits of using branded wristbands

There are so many benefits attached to using wristbands (know more) to promote your brand. In this section, we will take a look at some of the very obvious benefits. By the time you are done reading this section, you’ll see a reason to invest in wristbands for your business.

Low-cost advertising option

Advertising costs these days are very high. We have already told you about television adverts on national television. That’s just one of the advertisement media. There are several others like using direct mail which costs about $50 per mail.

As a small business owner, it is important that you run your business with a budget. For this reason, you cannot afford to spend excessively on your brand promotion campaigns. Using wristbands is the perfect way to keep your spending on the campaign within your budget.

Wristbands are the perfect alternative to regular advertising campaigns. A more cost-effective option. Depending on the provider you patronize, you might not spend more than a few dollars on each band.

Hand each of your customers one of these wristbands, they will not just appreciate them, they will wear them around. What this implies is that your customers become moving billboards, showing off your brand everywhere they go. When you invest in an online custom wristband in wholesale, you will spend far less.

custom wristband

Variety of options

If you think a promotional gift wristband today is the same as what it was years ago, you are wrong. These wristbands have evolved over the years, today, there are so many options to choose from. While many business owners neglect them, you can tap into the variety that exists with wristbands.

You can get a custom brand wristband in different colors, sizes, and styles. The commonest option is silicone wristbands. This is because silicone material is durable and maintains its bright color for several years.

If you feel like silicone is too costly, you can invest in other cheaper materials. Some of these are made from plastic and cheaper rubber. To appeal to your high-end customers, you can invest in wristbands made from leather. There are several materials that resemble leather even though they are made from inferior materials.promotional gift wristband

Usually, these wristbands are referred to as bracelets. If you invest in these, you can be sure that your customers will appreciate you more for them.

The power of differentiation

Most branding professionals believe this is the best reason why you should invest in an online custom wristband. With these bands, it is easy to make a demarcation between different people groups. This works more at events and festivals.

You can create a custom brand wristband for your VIPs and another for regular attendees at your event. This way, you know who to give special treatment and who needs regular attention. 

Asides this, you can use a promotional gift wristband as a pass to your event. This will help you know who paid and registered for the event and who didn’t. Another way you can use these wristbands is to differentiate between your employees and customers.

This is usually necessary because your customers may need to speak to one of your employees for help during events. If there’s no marked difference, it becomes difficult to find your employees. That may be a problem as you may lose customers as a result.

custom wristband

Built-in features

There are several wristband options that come with some amazing features you can build upon. It is important that when you are looking to invest in wristbands for promotions you seek these. One of the major examples is a wristband that comes with a barcode at the bottom. 

It makes it easy for your customers to scan a barcode at the receptionist register. To make it more fun for them, add an incentive. Your incentive maybe a little percentage off to encourage them to use the wristbands more. 

Asides this, you can hand out the wristbands randomly at a special event you organize at your store. You can bet that your customers will be grateful when they find out how much they are saving from using the bands. promotional gift wristband

Also, you can hide special raffle numbers on the inner part of your wristbands. You can now hold a draw to give away gifts to customers based on the numbers in the bands. Everyone loves getting gifts and customers will jump at the offer when you present it.


With an online custom wristband, you can grow your brand popularity very easily. We have already shown you some of the benefits of investing in a promotional gift wristband. What other benefits of using a custom brand wristband do you know? Share them with us in the comments section. If you have any demand for custom wristbands, welcome to inquire us at Zigpac.