Creating a Bullet Journal with a Book

Bullet journals have become so popular these days, especially on different social media platforms. They aren’t complex to create and you can have a bullet notebook journal from your notebook (know more).request quote from zigpac

You're probably wondering how you will achieve a journal notebook design, we get your dilemma. Don’t worry, in this post, you will learn how to create a journal notebook diary.

Getting started with the bullet notebook journal

Because of technology, most of us stare at a screen almost all through the period we are awake each day. Gradually, we are neglecting notebooks and the fun advantages to present to us. Why not try staring into a notebook for some period in the day instead of a screen all the time?request quote from zigpac

A bullet notebook journal is a very potent tool to help you plan your day. Like we have told you, journal notebook design is not difficult. There are several ways to design your journal notebook diary, we will take a look at one below:

bullet notebook journal

Tools for the bullet notebook journal

When you conduct a Google search about Bullet Journals, you will see tons of designs with amazing illustrations. It is likely that you will get inspired by what you see, when you do, get to work straight away.request quote from zigpac

Don’t let what you see scare you, because there’s a chance the complex ones will. The truth is you only need a pen and a notebook. No specific rules exist regarding designing a bullet journal, all you’d get are suggestions.

One thing to have in mind is that you need a durable notebook for your bullet notebook journal and a pen. This is important since you’d be going around with the journal. With time, you may want to get a few highlighters, washi tape, and colored pencils and pens.

We will help you create a simple bullet journal by breaking down the elements of the Ryder Carroll journal. With this, you can experiment to create a unique journal for yourself. Most individuals who have bullet journals around the world, follow these basic journaling principles.

bullet notebook journal

Principles to follow when creating the bullet notebook journal

Ø  Index

This is usually the first page after the cover page of your journal. It is what you know as a table of contents in a regular book. On your index page, you have a list of all the important pages and items in your journal after the index.

Let’s explain the whole idea behind the index page. It can be quite challenging when you need a piece of information and you read through each page. Why not create a system that allows you to visit the exact page from which you need a piece of information?request quote from zigpac

This is exactly what your index page does for you, it is a map that leads you to specific locations. To begin with, number each page of the bullet notebook journal. If you are constrained by time, you can begin with 20 pages and then finish up later.

As soon as a page is filled up, record it on your index page. Note that you don’t need to scribble down every piece of information in the index. All you need is the important spreads that will lead to other required information.

bullet notebook journal

Ø  Future log

This is the second stage of preparing your bullet notebook journal. In simple terms, this is a record of appointments and events for the nearest future. Do you now see how much a journal notebook diary can organize your life?

When you are very busy and as you get older, it becomes really difficult to remember certain events. Not because you don’t want to, but because your mind is encumbered with a lot of work.request quote from zigpac

However, you can make use of a bullet journal to fix this issue. You should know that the journal will continually evolve because you will always have new appointments.

Split two pages of your journal into three different sections, make sure this covers a six-month period. As soon as you receive an invite, write it down here.

This journal notebook design will be very effective in helping you plan for as long as you have it. If you have events that cover the whole year already, take time to replicate this model for the year.

bullet notebook journal

Ø  Monthly log

How nice would it be to have a glance at a page and you have all your appointments for the month visible? This is the advantage of the monthly log. You can see the whole month’s appointments and events laid bare.request quote from zigpac

On the left, number the page with dates and days, for example, Monday the 2nd will be 2M. Since this is only for reference, you have to make it short and simple.

On the opposite side, write each corresponding task down. You can do this for each day in the month and the list can be ordered or jumbled, your choice. The idea is to make it convenient to read.

Ø  Daily log

By now you must have noticed that a bullet notebook journal is really important for organizing and planning. You should begin a daily log for each new day by listing the assignments and appointments for the next day. Filling these details in your journal notebook diary can be done in the evening or morning.request quote from zigpac

You have to employ some creativity when it comes to this aspect of your journal notebook design. There is so much you can do with this journal.

bullet notebook journal

Ø  Signifiers and symbols

To make it easy to write in your bullet notebook journal Ryder Carroll developed the Rapid Logging system. These will help you write faster or carry extra colored pens.

  • (•) Tasksrequest quote from zigpac
  • (X) Set Task Complete
  • (>) Task Migrated
  • (<) Task Scheduled
  • (O) Events
  • (-) Notes
  • (*) Priority
  • (!) Inspiration
  • (Ø) Eye

A few useful tips include:

  • Choose functionality over excessive design.
  • Be creative with your design. It is advisable to ensure that it suits you.
  • Ensure that you set goals by making a list with your journal.

bullet notebook journal


A bullet notebook journal is a potent tool to help you become more organized. You can carry around your journal notebook diary. The journal notebook design is not too difficult and our guide above can help you. If you have any demand for custom cheap printed notebooks, welcome to inquire us at Zigpac.request quote from zigpac