Promotions for Charity: Benefits of Promotional Gifts for Charities

Running a charity can be hard work and it consumes a lot of cash which might not be readily available. Then how can you as a charity raise money to fund your organization apart from depending on sponsors and the promotions (know more) you embark on. Fundraising charity promotional products are the way to go.

In this article, we will be exposing you to the benefits of charity promotional products and why you need promotions for charity.request quote from zigpac

How promotions with products can be beneficial for the charity

  • Give your brand exposure – let your cause have a voice

Making your brand known is a necessity, creating the right awareness and executing it right is paramount for your brand. You need to be known and heard of everywhere as far as possible. What better way can you achieve this than to make use of all the prowess of fundraising promotional products.

To build awareness for the brand you need constant exposure. This exposure can’t be achieved through TV commercials and print ads except you pump a lot of money into it. We already know that it is not possible, you don’t have that kind of money to spare. Therefore your best bet is charity promotional products.

Studies have shown that an average person keeps a promotional product for at least a year, longer if found useful. That is a whole year of daily promotions for charity.

  • Create a promotions income stream - an alternative revenue source for the charity

Getting money is not easy and you would want any investment you make to yield a profit to be worthwhile. Yes making promotional products is an investment but there is a way to make it profitable.

A lot of charities and NGOs sell online their branded products. The most basic of fundraising promotional products will sell fast because people will rather buy the product related to charities. For them, it is a good deed done and they feel good about it. They are happy, you have made some money, everyone is happy. It’s a win for all the people involved.request quote from zigpac

  • Make them applaud you – expand your audience

Whenever you give out or sell your charity promotional products you’ve indirectly turned anyone who has them to your marketer. 

Now, this is a tremendous concept. For instance, you give out two hundred branded t-shirt as promotions for charity. The two hundred people you gave the t-shirts might only wear them once in a while. One thing you should know though is if the quality is right at least one person will wear it in a day. 

Whenever anyone wears it, however, your brand your cause becomes their job even if they don’t realize it. They broadcast you to everyone they meet that day.

Now you can’t get this kind of result at this amazingly cheap rate through any other type of marketing strategy. You should make good use of it.

promotions for charity

  • Giving attracts receiving in promotions for charity – entice donation

People will almost always feel obligated to reciprocate a gift they have gotten. This logic can also be applied to charity events. Handing out charity promotional products as soon as events start might increase people's interest in giving to your cause.

Fundraising promotional products are not expected to be extravagant, you only need something that is cost-effective but useful. You will find out that donations are a lot chunkier. It is just how people react to getting gifts, they are always so grateful.fundraising promotional products

  • Save money to earn money – very affordable

Even if you have a lot of methods included in your marketing strategy, a lot of them cannot compete. Yes, when it comes to pricing when doing promotions for charity, promotional products will save you a lot of money.

This will always be your best option for cost-effectiveness when it comes to doing promotions for charity. They will not only be kind to your budget but can also make you money from online sales. 

So let’s take a look at these examples and compare numbers. Promoting your brand on prime-time will cost you $2.5 per impression, while an impression of charity promotional products costs $0.7. That is 3 times less than TV and it might not be as effective.

This number may not interest you as on their own they may not mean much and boring even. The whole point here however is, social media promotions will give more value for your money.

promotions for charity

  • Share more about your brand – be more interactive

You can give out more information about your organization and it’s caused through promotions fir charity products. People tend to keep items gotten from a charitable event. It is a great avenue to explain your charity’s cause in detail and expect to be heard. That is, read and understood.fundraising promotional products

The time to reach people and create an awareness of your brand is limited. This has nothing to do with where you are meeting them, be it an event, online, or the street. They simply don’t possess the patience to listen to you for long. So you have to give out as much information as you can in a very short expanse of time. A lot of times you don’t get to say everything you wanted to or you are not detailed enough.

This is where your promotional items come to play. You can use them to expatiate on whatever you have said and also provide additional information.

Apart from these listed benefits, there is a lot more use you can put your promotional items to. These may include using them as gifts for donors or use them to build goodwill. You can also make use of their influence indirect fundraising or even auction them at events. Whichever you choose to do you are sure it will be beneficial to your charity.

promotions for charity


Fundraising promotional products unlike other forms of marketing options like TV or print ads do not have an expiry date. They can last as long as the bearer decides to keep them and that can be years depending on usefulness.fundraising promotional products

As a charity or NGO, your budget is nowhere near the big names like Samsung. This doesn’t mean that you cannot find promotional products within the limits of your budget. If you want to know more, please visit Zigpac.